Arctic Design
Get StartedFoundationsComponentsExamples


Arranges content in a structured, responsive layout of rows and columns for consistent alignment and spacing.

xs=12 sm=4
xs=12 sm=8
xs=12 sm=6 md=4 lg=3
xs=12 sm=6 md=4 lg=3
xs=12 sm=6 md=4 lg=3
xs=12 sm=6 md=4 lg=3
xs=12 sm=8
import { Grid, GridColumn, GridRow, Paper } from '@arctic-kit/snow';
function Demo() {
return (
<Grid spacing={1}>
<GridColumn xs={12}>
<Paper variant='outlined'>xs=12</Paper>
<GridColumn xs={12} sm={4}>
<Paper variant='outlined'>xs=12 sm=4</Paper>
<GridColumn xs={12} sm={8}>
<Paper variant='outlined'>xs=12 sm=8</Paper>
<GridColumn xs={12} sm={6} md={4} lg={3}>
<Paper variant='outlined'>xs=12 sm=6 md=4 lg=3</Paper>
<GridColumn xs={12} sm={6} md={4} lg={3}>
<Paper variant='outlined'>xs=12 sm=6 md=4 lg=3</Paper>
<GridColumn xs={12} sm={6} md={4} lg={3}>
<Paper variant='outlined'>xs=12 sm=6 md=4 lg=3</Paper>
<GridColumn xs={12} sm={6} md={12} lg={3}>
<Paper variant='outlined'>xs=12 sm=6 md=4 lg=3</Paper>
<GridColumn xs={12} sm={8}>
<Paper variant='outlined'>xs=12 sm=8</Paper>

API Reference

gutterWidthnumber | undefined---
spacingnumber | undefined---